New Patient Contact Information

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Patients Name

Contact Numbers:

In an effort to improve the service to our patients, we want you to be aware of our office policy. Appointments are reserved to meet your needs and the length of your appointment is based on your individual treatment. Please respect the time we have reserved for you by being prompt for your appointment. In order to serve our patients better, we require two business days notice to change an appointment. Appointments cannot be changed via voicemail. If insufficient notice is given, we reserve the right to apply a MISSED APPOINTMENT fee of $100.00 to your account. We require payment on date of service. Insurance re-imbursement will go directly to the insurance subscriber. Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to providing exceptional care for you and your family.

Medical History

Are you in good health?
Are you being treated for any medical conditions at present or within the last 2 years?
Have you ever been advised to take antibiotics before dental treatment?
Do you have any allergies?
Do you have frequent severe headaches, earaches, ear/throat infections?
Do you have high blood pressure?
Do you or any family members have diabetes?
Do you bleed excessively from a cut or injury, or bruise easily?
Have you ever had any unusual reactions to any drug or medication?
Do your ankles, feet, or hands swell?
Do you experience shortness of breath or chest pain when walking or climbing stairs?
Has your weight, appetite or energy level changed dramatically recently?
Have you tested HIV positive?
Is there anything about your health that we need to be aware of?
WOMEN ONLY: Are you pregnant or suspect you may be pregnant?
Do you smoke or use any form of tobacco products?
Are you taking birth control?
Are you taking any vitamins or herbal supplements?
Are you taking Bisphosphonates? (ie: Fosomax, Didrocal, Aclasta)
Have you ever been advised against any medications?
Are you presently taking any prescription or non-prescription drugs?
Have you been hospitalized in the past two years?
Do you or have you ever had any of the following? Please select

Dental History

Are you currently seeing a dental specialist?
Have you ever had periodontal treatment? (Treatment of the gums)
Have you ever had orthodontic treatment? (Straightening teeth)
Have you ever had a night guard?
Do you bite your cheeks or lips?
Have you ever had oral surgery to your mouth or jaw?
Have you experienced any popping or clicking or pain in the jaw or around your ear?
Do you have any dental anxiety?
Have you ever had any teeth removed?
Do you clench or grind your teeth?
Do you have any difficulty opening or closing?
Are you dissatisfied with your teeth in any way? For example: colour, shape, spaces, etc.
Are any of your teeth loose or have they shifted recently?
Do you have any metal fillings that you would like replaced with a natural, tooth coloured restoration?
Are you concerned about finances required to return your mouth to excellent dental health?
Do you have any fillings that show in your front teeth?
Do you get food stuck between your teeth?
Are you frustrated because you always have something that needs to be treated or repaired when you visit the dentist?
Do you have an unpleasant taste or odour in your mouth?
Have you been instructed regarding proper home care?

Are your teeth sensitive to:

Biting Pressure?
Do your gums bleed when you brush or floss?
Are there any sore spots in your mouth?
CONSENT: This is to certify that I, undersigned, consent to the dental and oral surgery procedures agreed to be necessary or advisable for myself or my child, including the use of local anaesthetic or other drugs as indicated and I will assume responsibility for fees associated with those procedures.
Clear Signature
We are committed to protecting the privacy of our patients’ personal information and to utilizing all personal information in a responsible and professional manner. This document summarizes some of the personal information that we collect, use, and disclose. In addition to the circumstances described in this form, we also collect, use, and disclose personal information when permitted or required by law. We collect information from our patients such as names, home addresses, work addresses, home numbers, cellular numbers, work numbers, and email addresses (collectively referred to as “Contact Information”). Contact information is collected and used for the following purposes: ∙ To open and update patient files. ∙ To invoice patients for dental services, to process credit card payments, or to collect unpaid accounts. ∙ To process claims for payment or reimbursement from third-party health benefit providers and insurance companies. ∙ To send reminders to patients concerning the need for further dental examination or treatment. ∙ To send patients informational material about our dental practice. Contact Information is disclosed to third party health benefit providers and insurance companies where the patient has submitted a claim for reimbursement or payment of all or part of the cost of dental treatment or has asked us to submit a claim on the patient’s behalf. Financial information may be collected in order to make arrangements for the payment of dental services. We collect information from our patients about their health history, their family health history, physical condition, and dental treatments (collectively referred to as “Medical Information). Patients Medical Information is collected and used for the purpose of diagnosing dental conditions and providing dental treatment. Patients’ Medical Information is disclosed: ∙ To third party health benefit providers and insurance companies where the patient has submitted a claim for reimbursement or payment of all or part of the cost of dental treatment or has asked us to submit a claim on the patient’s behalf. ∙ To other dentists and dental specialists, where we are seeking a second opinion and the patient has consented to us obtaining the second opinion. ∙ To other dentists and dental specialists if the patient, with their consent, has been referred by us to the other dentist or dental specialist for treatment. ∙ To other dentists and dental specialists where those dentists have asked us, with the consent of the patient, to provide a second opinion. ∙ To other health care professionals such as physicians if the patient, with their consent, has been referred by us to the other health care professional for either a second opinion or treatment. If we are ever considering selling all or part of our dental practice, qualified potential purchasers may be granted access as part of the due diligence process to patient information in order to verify information important to the potential sale. If this occurs, we will take steps to ensure that the prospective purchaser safeguards all personal information. Dentists are regulated by the Alberta Dental Association and College which may inspect our records and interview our staff as part of its regulatory activities in the public interest.
Clear Signature